May 26-28 2022 – How, when and why: taking care of the infertile couple

May 26-28 2022 – How, when and why: taking care of the infertile couple

The establishment of clinical guidelines for the treatment of infertility and their implementation in diagnostic therapeutic care pathways (PDTAs) has made the importance of comprehensive care of the infertile couple more evident. SIRU, in recent years, has set these goals as priority objectives to be achieved. The 4th National Congress of 2021 in Naples was entirely dedicated to the relevance of the Guidelines as a fundamental tool for good clinical practice. The work done by SIRU, mandated by the Ministry, to implement the guidelines was completed. On the implementation of them all the Regional Congresses were organized to lay the foundations of the diagnostic therapeutic care pathways. In this 5th Congress is intended, intends to deepen and translate into clinical practice, the recommendations already indicated in the guidelines, and, at the same time, to address the issues that, due to lack of robust scientific evidence, are still debated and need further scientific discussion and consensus.
The program expresses the realization that in order to achieve comprehensive care of the couple, it is necessary to put the person at the center with all the necessary diagnostic and therapeutic needs. There are numerous sessions in which special attention is paid to assessing the overall health status of the couple entering the world of medically assisted procreation. To put it in a phrase, “Preparing the couple for medically assisted procreation by preparing all potentials for reproductive success.” With this vision, issues and topics are addressed ranging from nutrition, lifestyles, sexual problems, genetics, environmental influences in the reproductive process, modern communication systems between doctor and patient, the certainty and importance of informed consent, gamete donation and storage, psychological help systems, and the definition of territorial pathways that can guarantee the couple adequate care in terms of quality and timing. One could go on and on listing the topics that the 9 parallel sessions of the Special Interest Groups prepared for the first day of the Congress, as well as the 2 parallel sessions for the next two days. Only by attending and following the Congress can one appreciate the breadth and density of the program.
The Congress, thanks to the contribution of Italian and foreign clinicians and scientists will again represent a unique opportunity for in-depth study, discussion and debate, which is fundamental for the growth of Reproductive Medicine and Biology c that, of the themes with the contribution of Italian and foreign clinicians and scientists will give the 5th SIRU Congress, again this year we have before us a unique opportunity for discussion and debate for the growth of Reproductive Medicine and Biology in Italy.