SSD: Digital Printing System

SSD Digital Printing System is a multidisciplinary system that allows to substitute traditional medical printers with thermal paper for a Hw and Sw technological advanced system and with a predetermined cost.

It allows to work in total security with:

  • Certified hardware and software to be applied in the medical sector
  • Provided with proprietary Wi-Fi connection
  • It is a system with a predetermined cost: you pay only the number of prints
  • Toners replacement and assistance included in the cost of the print

If compared to traditional printers with thermal paper, SSD:

  • Allows to catch pictures in real-time without the need of stopping the examination.
    • In fact, thermal printers need from 12 to 44 seconds to catch and complete the printing, stopping, in this way, many times the examination


  • Allows to print only the pictures that need to be inserted in the final document, selecting them from the specific gallery at the end of the examination
    • No risk of paper wasting for pictures that have not been correctly caught


  • Allows to insert data concerning the patient and the type of examination
    • No risk of correspondence between the picture and the patient


  • Allows to print a unique document in A4 format that will include:
    • The header of the examination
    • Patient’s data
    • Important pictures of the examination
    • Name of the physician who made the examination

Just like common printers with thermal paper, at the end of the printing, the system eliminates all memorised data.

In the system, therefore, is not memorised any sensitive data.