
PiEmmeMed was founded in 2011 with the mission of providing maximum
efficiency to physicians, allowing them to considerably improve their
performance; but, above all, with the aim of giving maximum comfort to all patients, particularly to women. Indeed, many times, women have to tackle, all alone, many issues, even very serious.

The idea of building a company that was completely at the service of the person, in fact, starts through the experience of a young woman.

The girl, after undergoing ultrasound examination due to symptoms of polycystic ovary, had to repeat the examination after a few days, because the iconographic documentation, printed on thermosensitive paper and forgotten in the car for some hours, began illegible.
The discomfort caused to the patient, which apparently could seem easily resolvable, could also have obstacle her health irremediably.

In 2011, from the meeting between the woman and the Biomedical Engineer, Mr. Pierantonio Moro, Operating Room specialist and expert of imaging, came to life the idea of creating a multimedia platform that could be a reference point both for doctors, who need to face every day very awkward interventions and exams, and for all patients, in order to avoid,co as much as possible, the presence of such problems similar to that which faced the abovementioned young woman.

Thus, was born PiEmmeMed, which, day after day, moves to gain space in the Gynaecological and Urological fields, trying to bring progress and innovation.

PiemmeMed’s team is composed of young professionals, coordinated by a more
experienced tutor, the CEO of the company, Pierantonio Moro and by a Scientific Consultant, Dr. Antonio Accardi, with excellent and specific skills in the field of hysteroscopy.

This synergy has allowed PiEmmeMed to grow and improve, consolidating its market throughout the national and international territory, not only as developer of the EasyPro® Platform, but also maintaining Gynaecology and Urology as its focus.

In this way, PiemmeMed is become an exclusive partner of different manufacturing companie, obtaining the exclusive distribution of unique products on the market, such as:

  • Microrotate
  • B.R.S.
  • RF Plasmakinetic System
  • Gynko

PiEmmeMed firmly believes in the importance of educational initiatives, having the main objective of approaching unpractised professionals to the hysteroscopy specialty.

For this reason, we organise and support various itinerant and residential
courses throughout Italy, both theoretical and practical, guided by teams of highly qualified doctors, aiming the correct use of the most recent technology equipment.