June 21 – II Hysteroscopy Course Office Hands-On

June 21 – II Hysteroscopy Course Office Hands-On

On 21 June 2021, under the direction and scientific coordination of Prof. Bergamini Valentino and Dr. Scarperi Stefano, the Hospital for Women and Children – Maggiore Civil Hospital of Verona organizes the Hands-on Hysteroscopy Course in Pavilion 29. On which we will have the honor to participate.

The course is mainly aimed at those who have already had hysteroscopic experiences and intend to extend their outpatient experimentation, adding the numerous operative possibilities that “office” surgery is able to offer.

During the day, attention will be focused, above all, on the organizational aspects and ample space will be given to practical exercises, during which each student will be able to become familiar and perfect their manual skills with hysteroscopic instruments.

For this purpose, in fact, exercises are planned on biological simulators relating to the use of mechanical surgical instruments and the various electrodes that can be used for this type of surgery.



  • Surgery, legislation and instrumentation;
  • Knowledge of the instrumentation and its correct use;
  • Morphological evaluation of the cervical canal, uterine cavity and endometrium;
  • “Office” removal of endocavitary neoformations: A, B, C with live interventions.


  • “Practical exercises: hysteroscopic office surgery performed on a simulator.”



  • Indications and role of ultrasound in endometrial pathology: the SEGI guidelines;
  • The diagnostic accuracy in hysteroscopy outpatient clinic;
  • “See and treat”: targeted endometrial biopsy, removal of polyps, fibroids and uterine septa;
  • Role of hysteroscopy in AUB and estrogen-progestogen medical therapy;
  • Aspects of health economics and future prospects in “office” hysteroscopy.

Closing of the course and delivery of the ECM questionnaires


Dr. Bonin Cecilia, Verona

Dr. Bergamini Valentino, Verona

Dr. Cavaliere Elena, Verona

Prof. Di Spiezio Sardo Attilio, Naples

Dott.ssa Giudici Silvia, Verona

Dr. Perandini Alessio, Verona

Dr. Florio Pasquale, Pistoia

Dr. Giovanni Pontrelli, Abano Terme

Dr. Scarperi Stefano, Verona